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Abstract Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

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A Qualitative Research on Sustainable Practices in Organic Apparel Industry
Prachi Mishra(1),Dr. G. Devakumar(2)

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Prachi Mishra

(1)Ph. D Scholar, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, University House, Gnanagangothri Campus, New BEL Rd, M S R Nagar, Bengaluru- 560054, India, E-mail: prachimis[at], Ph.No.9886881616, Fax: +91 80 4211 1205
(2)Head - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Research Centre and HOD for MBA in Marketing Management, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru- 560054, India. E-mail:[at], Ph. No.; Fax: +91 80 4211 1205;

India is the second largest global textile manufacturer and its apparel market is expected to grow yearly at 11.1% (CAGR 2019-2021). The nation accounts for 74% of global organic clothing production which has gained momentum recently due to increasing awareness on health and environmental hazards associated with conventional clothing. Organic apparel is made from fabrics produced in the absence of chemicals and pesticides. Organic fabric retailers are becoming responsible and adopting ethical values to remain competitive in changing market scenario. Limited purchase of organic clothes in domestic market is alarming and gained attention of scholar. Hence, current study explored sustainable practices followed by retailers and consumers towards consumption of organic apparel product in India. A qualitative approach is adopted to identify key determinants from research gap in literature. Semi structured interview was conducted with a group of organic clothing retailers to gain insight into consumer purchase behavior. Content analysis was carried out to analyze emerging themes and subthemes. Conceptual framework has been developed. Findings indicate that Green price, Green advertisement, Green knowledge and Green perceived value as critical influencers. Suggestions are made to encourage sustainable practices towards consumption of organic clothing for the betterment of surrounding and society.

Price, Advertisement, Knowledge, Value, Organic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


A survey study of West Java Indonesia high school Japanese language teachers attitude toward of m-learning in teaching Hiragana
Linna Meilia Rasiban

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Linna Meilia Rasiban

Departement of Japanese Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

When the world changes, classes need to adapt to the digital era. This study investigated 40 West Java Indonesia high school Japanese language teachers attitude toward language learning with ICT and ethical reasoning of mobile learning (m-learning) for learning Hiragana letters using a survey with open-ended questions. The results indicated that the teachers attitude toward language learning with ICT and ethical reasoning of m-learning issues are influenced by the readiness of facilities internet connection and readiness of teachers to face the digital era. Teachers who teach in the city appeared easier and supportive than the teachers who teach in suburban cities regarding the implementation m-learning. Analysis of the teachersethical reasoning of language learning with ICT competencies that technological competences influenced pedagogical competence. The &

android application; Hiragana; Japanese script characters; m-learning; word recognition

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


A Systematic Review of Digital Literacy Training for High School Students
Nisa, Aqyas Dini (a*); Setiyawati, Diana (b)

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Aqyas Dini Nisa

(a) Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Sosio Humaniora Street No 1, Bulaksumur, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Sosio Humaniora Street No 1, Bulaksumur, Indonesia

Digital literacy is an ability that needs to be given to high school level students to be able to participate effectively in the Information Age. Of the various methods used, training is one that plays an important role in increasing the digital literacy of high school students. This study was conducted to find out topics of digital literacy training in high school students who had done previously. The method used was systematic literature review on six research databases. The results obtained were four topics, namely knowledge of characteristics of digital world, ability to choose sources of information, ability to evaluate information, and ability to produce content. In terms of training methods, findings indicated that methods used to improve digital literacy of high school students include lectures, discussions, playing video games, producing content for blogs, project-based learning, and interactive workshops.

Digital literacy training; high school students; media literacy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Accountability For The Management Of Papuas Special Autonomy Funds In Asmat Regency In The 2015-2018 Period
Suswanta (1) dan Muhammad Iqbal (2)

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Suswanta Suswanta

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The death of 72 residents of the Asmat regency in Januari 2018 revealed the latent problems of health and welfare in the province of Papua. Tens of trillions of budgets disbursed by the central government each year did not increase the quality of health and welfare of the Asmat population. Cases of malnutrition still appear every year. The patient mortality rate is five times above the national average. Flushing the Papua special autonomy fund should be able to improve the degree of health and welfare of the Papuan people. This paper aims to explain how accountability for the management of Papuas special autonomy funds in Asmat regency in the 2015-2018 period. The result of the study can be input for policy makers and policy implementers in Papua so that special autonomy funds can be used to improve the degree of health and welfare, especially in the Asmat regency

Accountability, Special Autonomy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Achieving Sustainable Public Transport In The Era Of Online Transportation
Fadhilla Artiwi Putri (a*), Kristina Setyowati (b), Rino A. Nugroho (b)

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Fadhilla Artiwi Putri

a) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
b) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

The emergence of online transportation provides new choices for the community. But its existence is a threat to public transportation. The community prefers online transportation because it is seen as easy to access, more accessible to the area, cheap and free of traffic jams. Therefore public transportation needs to be improved. Sustainable public transportation must be achieved in order to keep up with the times. Sustainable transportation includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. This article tries to discuss how efforts to achieve sustainable public transportation. The method used in this article to answer research questions is a review of literature from journals, books, reports and results of previous research with related topics. The results of the study indicate that there needs to be a policy that supports the creation of sustainable public transportation. The need for a grand design that reaches the majority of the community, affordable costs for the community, a budget that supports the operation of public transportation, integration with other transportation and the use of environmentally friendly fuels. Further implications are made in this article.

sustainable transportation, public transportation, online transportation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


ADDIE Model in the Preparation of a Blended Learning in Master Program : Beyond The Files Up-load to Server
Winny Setyonugroho, Arlina Dewi, Rizki Eka Safitri

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Winny Setyonugroho

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background E-Learning has been extensively discussed since the early 2000s. Implementing a teaching method that combines e-Learning with the traditional teaching method is very promising. When initiating a full program of blended learning in a postgraduate setting, one must prepare the materials and upload them to the server. Every single aspect behind the process of administering a regular program must also be well prepared, not to mention that there are additional IT complexities as well. Aim This study aims to describe the preparation process of establishing a blended learning program for the postgraduate level Master of hospital management program.. Method/Approach An ADDIE model is used to ease in organizing the preparation of the blended learning program. There are three areas focus on; the curriculum (material), the administration (all clutters behind the desk), and the Information Technology. Results/Findings A team was put together specifically to handle the blended learning program. During the analysis step, we found several main problems that required revision; the regular curriculum needs to be re-developed, the students do not possess the mindset of a self-directed learning style, the administrative rules and regulations are still designed for a regular (off-line) learning process, and there is a need for close coordination with the IT department in the university. These problems can be addressed by conducting a series of workshop to redesign the curriculum in order for it to fit with the blended learning program. We also need to create new regulations that meet the blended learning process and combine them with current regulations. The IT department in the university will prepare the servers according to our study design and also provide the staff support in preparing for the early weeks of the program. We must also develop SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for each of the activities which will act as the performance indicators of the program. Conclusion Running a blended learning program is not as easy as it looks. There are many preparations that must be made for each area involved in the program. This program really helps the students to be able to work and study at the same time. Further analysis is mandatory to maintain that the program runs smoothly and able to adapt to the current technology.

blended learning, e-learning

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Advantages and Disadvantages of Incumbent Candidates in the Local Elections in Indonesia
David Effendi, Bambang Cahyana

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David Efendi

Universitas Muhammadyah Yogyakarta, Jusuf Kalla School of Government

Studies on incumbency are dominated by Western scholar studies by employing quantitative approach to see incumbency trend at congressman and senator elections. The gap of that academic research so far has given wider opportunity for incumbency studies in Indonesia as a new democratic country with a very complex electoral process. By conducting field research and partly ethnographic approach, this paper explains selected local elections cases which are relevant to incumbency literature and analysis. The results of this study indicated that incumbency candidates are facing both opportunities structure and disadvantages caused by embedded factors that are candidate profile, bureaucracy power, capital access, and provided information, and also the dynamic external factors which consist of: protest voters, political parties, corruption issues, etc. This also became an alternative answer to why many incumbent candidates were defeated in concurrent elections in 2015 and 2017.

incumbency, electoral democracy, media, corruption, voters

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


An Analysis of Summative Test on The Eighth Grade of Muhammadiyah Junior High School of Yogyakarta
Nurul Aisyah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, nurulaisyah[at]

This piece of work was aimed to survey intended to determine the level of difficulty and power of discrimination of a final test with the use of multiple choice applied in the subject of Aqidah-Akhlak for the Muhammadiyah Junior High School-s Eighth Grade in Yogyakarta. Sample of this survey is 200 students of the Muhammadiyah Junior High School-s Eighth Grade in Yogyakarta. It analyzed 40 items of the multiple-choice questions provided by a group of teachers provided by Muhammadiyah provincial board. This research was held by analyzing different levels of difficulty and discrimination index of any items further interpreted into established criteria. The main source was the document of that multiple-choice instrument. The results showed that the difficulty index was considered proportional with 60% moderate, 27% easy and 13% hard. Meanwhile, the power of discrimination was good with 25% good, 62% fair and 13% poor. Therefore, it is not good assessment instrument to measure capability of pupils. Enhancing the quality of test especially on administering and developing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will make easier for teacher assessing the quality of learning and more able to is measuring the capability pupils into learning competences.

Multiple-choice; summative item analysis; difficulty index; discrimination index

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


An Evaluation of User Satisfaction with Library Services at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Novy Diana Fauzie

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The study defined user satisfaction as an evaluation of library product and services in term of whether that library product and services met their needs and expectation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the service and resources that library provided and found if the user satisfied with the library. Library give an important support in the academic culture and give information needs to students and faculty. The study focused on user satisfaction on service hour, kinds of collections, information dissemination and library staff services. There are 100 questionnaires were distributed to students and lecturers who came to the library. Moreover, there are google form that students could participate the survey. It was discovered that users use library service and resources. The following are the main finding: the user satisfied with library hours, library facility, and library staff. The study found that the library has to give more attention to the information dissemination, the update collection, increased library hour and library staff expertise.

Evaluation, User Satisfaction, Library Service

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Analysis Assessment of The E-Government Website of The Provincial Government in Indonesia in 2018
Dewi Sekar Kencono

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Dewi Sekar Kencono

Lecturer of Departement Government Affairs and Administration
Faculty of Social and Political Science
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


This research applies e-government assessment that has been carried out by regional governments throughout Indonesia. This study is important to do considering the journey of Indonesian e-government which has been running from 2003 through Presidential Instruction. No. 3 of 2003 concerning the policy on the use of communication information technology and the National Strategy for E-Government Development which aims to improve the quality of public services effectively, efficiently and transparently. The purpose of the assessment is to improve the website of local governments in Indonesia in accordance with the presidents wishes. Joko Widodo. This research was carried out on the provincial government website on several islands outside Java in Indonesia. Sampling uses certain sampling considerations or purposive sampling from 34 provinces in Indonesia. This research is supported by a literature study. The method used is to conduct an e-government framework assessment which is then processed using SPSS to see the correlation and performance generated from the provincial government website. The results of this study make recommendations for improving the implementation of e-government implemented by local governments in Indonesia.

e-government, assessment, performance, local government

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Moch Amin Nurdin

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Moch Amin Nurdin


In this recent telecommunication business competition, companies are competing for the customer attention. The company is trying to create more attractive gadgets, more sophisticated and more innovative features. Smart-phone is one of the most sought after gadgets by the people of Indonesia, especially in the capital, where most of them are using the gadgets for their business activities. This Thesis took 4 sample of smart-phone product as an object of the research, they are Blackberry, Samsung, Apple and HTC. The research problem submitted is to know the role of social influence in shaping brand equity and purchase intention of smart-phone, based on this basic is submitted theoretical model with 3 hypotheses to be tested by Structural Equation Model. This research samples are 174 respondents who use smart-phone in Indonesia. The analysis result of Structural Equation Model fulfills the criteria of goodness of fit index where X2 (chi-square) = 129.725, significance probability = 0.134 ( &

Social Influence, Brand Equity and Purchase Intention

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Francy Risvansuna, Zulhijjatul Apriliana and Triyono

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta

Sweet potato is one of the food crops cultivated by farmers. The problem with farmers is crop failure caused by pests and diseases and drought. This study aims to analyze the costs, revenues, net revenue, profits, and risk levels of sweet potato farming in the coastal land field of Gadingsari Village, Sanden subdistrict, Bantul. This study uses primary data from 80 farmers taken by census. Data obtained from interviews with the help of questionnaires. Data analyzed using income, feasibility and coefficient of variation. The results showed that sweet potato farming in Gadingsari Village was profitable with net revenue of Rp 2,247,361. Sweet potato farming in Gadingsari Village is feasible to run based on R / C, economic work and working capital. Farmers face a low production risk lower than income risk.

Coastal land, Feasibility, Risk, Sweet potato

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL DECISIONS AND CORPORATE INFLUENCE PERFORMANCE TO FIRM VALUE (Empirical Study On A Manucfacturing Company Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2013-2017)
Septylyta Rahmita Putri, Firman Pribadi, Rizal Yaya

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

In this study aims to determine and analyze whether investment policies, funding policies, and dividend policies affect the value of companies in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Company value describes a public trust in the company in maximizing profits seen from the companys stock price. Maximizing company profits is the companys main goal in prospering shareholders. The measurement of company performance is classified into 3 forms of company policy namely investment policy, funding policy, and dividend policy. The research model used in this study is multiple linear regression. The sample used in this study were 26 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2017. The results of the study showed that debt equity ratio, dividend payout the ratio, probability, and firm size has a positive and significant influence on the value of the company. While capital expenditure to book value of assets have a negative and significant effect on firm value.


International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Analysis of the relationship between the credibility of public leaders and behavior of citizen complaints posting through the smart city qlue application in DKI Jakarta
Razie Razak (a*), Radityo Muhammad (b)

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Razie Razak

(a) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Mercu Buana
Jalan Meruya Selatan No. 1, Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, RT.4/RW.1, Meruya Sel., Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11650

(b) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Mercu Buana
Jalan Meruya Selatan No. 1, Meruya Selatan, Kembangan, RT.4/RW.1, Meruya Sel., Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11650

The smart city emphasizes the speed of access to information and communication. Smartcity can be understood as a community where citizens, business companies, knowledge institutions, and city agents work together with each other to achieve system integration and efficiency, citizen involvement, and increasing quality of life. This article presents an organizational framework for collaboration in order to create smart city initiatives. Smart City whether it had carried out a process of communication between the government and the community. Creating a relationship between the community and the government requires mutual trust. The Public Leader in the governance structure is the Governor and its ranks. Smartcity requires active participation by various stakeholders involved from both the government and the community. The research methodology uses data science to find patterns of communication between public leaders and their citizens. The researcher found a relationship between public leader credibility and citizen reporting behavior by posting text and photos in the form of city issues. The citizen reporting posts are in the communication process in the form of feedback which has a tendency for someones expectations of others to see the response of others, for that, is what is anticipated by the previous Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

Smart City, source credibility, public leader, posting behavior

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Analysis of Vanuatus Support Policy for ULMWP to Separate from Indonesia
M. Syaprin Zahidi

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M Syaprin Zahidi

International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, 65144
email: syaprin[at], syaprin123[at]

Vanuatu as one of the countries in the South Pacific Region has become a country that seems very diligent in criticizing Indonesia in international forums relating to the issue of violations of human rights in Papua. This was seen from 1982 when Vanuatu did not yet have diplomatic relations with Indonesia and then continued in 2014 when Vanuatu Prime Minister Moana Carcasses Katokai Kalosil at the 25th UN Human Rights Summit, delivered a speech urging the international community to support the independence of the Papuan people. Another hostile attitude took place on January 25, 2019, during a special meeting between Vanuatu and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland which discussed the UPR (Universal Periodic Review), it turned out in secret Vanuatus delegation included Benny Wenda. Benny Wenda himself is the leader of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) or the West Papua Liberation Movement. This article argues that what was done by Vanuatu was inseparable from Vanuatus domestical politic which the majority supported Papuan independence so that to frame the argument this article would use Graham T Allisons Organizational Process approach.

Indonesia, Separate, ULMWV, Vanuatu

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Sri Widi Lestari(*), Leo Agung S, Akhmad Arif Musadad

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Sri Widi Lestari

Educational Technology, Postgraduate, Teaching and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

The growing age, the more dynamic developments in the technology. Technological developments have had a broad impact, one of which is education. In the competitive 21st century, education developed should be integrated with technology. This article aims to find out whether the development of android-based puzzle adventure learning media can improve students critical thinking skills. The method in writing this article is to use literature studies and relevant research studies. Learning that has been going on in the class majority has not utilized interesting and innovative media learning. Students are accustomed to receiving explanations from the teacher so that students critical thinking skills do not develop optimally. One of the innovations in learning media to improve students critical thinking skills is with an Android-based puzzle adventure game. This game is the development of educational game innovation with the genre of puzzle and adventure games based on Android applications. This game can stimulate and train students to solve problems and cases through gameplay full of adventure and puzzles. If students are enthusiastic in taking lessons, and skilled in solving problems in problem training will certainly make students thinking skills more honed, thus helping students to develop critical thinking skills.

Education, Game Puzzle Adventure, Critical Thinking Skill

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


1Tri Wahyono, 2Fitroh Anugrah Kusuma Yudha, 3Yashinta Farahsani

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Suryanto Suryanto


Learning activities to speak Indonesian for foreign speakers have been carried out in a conventional way so that the presence of the teachers is still highly needed. Consequently, learning activities require learning media that can support speaking skills. One A learning media alternative that is widely used in various learning activities is information technology. Android-based voice dictionary application is one of the media to learn speaking by utilizing the development of information technology. The development of this application is done by inputting voice data from words, letters, and numbers in Indonesian. This voice dictionary media application can be accessed offline through mobile phone so that it can be used without limitation of time and place. With this voice dictionary application, foreign speakers can learn to speak independently by listening to the speech sounds of the words that are available.

design, learning media, voice dictionary application

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana (a*), I Putu Wisna Ariawan (b), Agus Adiarta (c)

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Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

a) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Mathematics Education
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
c) Department of Electrical Education
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia

The deterioration of attitudes and knowledge quality of IT vocational students can occur due to low self-control and carelessness in information technology utilization in supporting the learning process. Therefore, an evaluation is needed to get a solution to the problem. The existence of an effective evaluation model at this time is highly demanded to provide appropriate recommendations as a solution. This study aimed to provide an overview of the application form of the countenance evaluation model that adopts the concept of Tri Hita Karana and ANEKA. This application can be used to measure the abilities quality and character of IT Vocational students while following the computer learning process. The method used in this research is R & D which focuses on the design stage. Subjects involved in the testing of application design were four-person, including two education experts and two informatics experts. The instrument used to obtain assessment data from experts about application design was questionnaires. The assessment results from experts show good design quality when viewed from the standard reference score with percentage evidence amounted to 87.50%.

Application design; Countenance evaluation; Tri Hita Karana; ANEKA

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Application of E-Learning in Japanese Learning at Japanese Language Education Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Rosi Rosiah1, Arsyl Elensyah Rhema Machawan2

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Arsyl Elensyah Rhema Machawan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Along with technological developments, online learning has been generally accepted as one component in the teaching and learning process. This is evidenced by the many educational institutions applying e-learning. E-Learning is a type of learning system that allows the delivery of teaching materials to students using the Internet, Intranet or other computer network media. E-Learning is a learning process (learning) using / utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tools that can be available whenever and wherever needed, so that it can overcome space and time constraints. The Japanese language education program is a study program that has just implemented e-learning in the process of learning Japanese in the Middle School 2018/2019 academic year, especially in the Chukyu Bunkei (Intermediary Gramer) and Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku courses (Japanese Language to Indonesian Language Translator). So in this paper we will discuss the implementation of e- learning in the form of activities carried out, such as assessment, quiz, discussion. Grading in both courses. And the problems faced by lecturers. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with results, in the Chukyu Bunkei (Intermediary Gramer) lecture the activities carried out were Assessment, discussion, and Quiz, as well as the Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku course (Japanese Language to Indonesian Language Translator). And the problem faced is not yet mastered the e-learning page perfectly, e-learning participants find it difficult to access e-learning.

E Learning, Japanese Language, Chukyu Bunkei, Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Application of E-Learning in Japanese Learning at Japanese Language Education Program Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Rosi Rosiah, Arsyl Elensyah Rhema Machawan

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Rosi Rosiah


Along with technological developments, online learning has been generally accepted as one component in the teaching and learning process. This is evidenced by the many educational institutions applying e-learning. E-Learning is a type of learning system that allows the delivery of teaching materials to students using the Internet, Intranet or other computer network media. E-Learning is a learning process (learning) using / utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as tools that can be available whenever and wherever needed, so that it can overcome space and time constraints. The Japanese language education program is a study program that has just implemented e-learning in the process of learning Japanese in the Middle School 2018/2019 academic year, especially in the Chukyu Bunkei (Intermediary Gramer) and Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku courses (Japanese Language to Indonesian Language Translator). So in this paper we will discuss the implementation of e- learning in the form of activities carried out, such as assessment, quiz, discussion. Grading in both courses. And the problems faced by lecturers. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with results, in the Chukyu Bunkei (Intermediary Gramer) lecture the activities carried out were Assessment, discussion, and Quiz, as well as the Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku course (Japanese Language to Indonesian Language Translator). And the problem faced is not yet mastered the e-learning page perfectly, e-learning participants find it difficult to access e-learning.

E Learning, Japanese Language, Chukyu Bunkei, Nihongo Indonesiago Honyaku

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Applying Role-play and Interactive Activities to Improve Students Speaking Skill.
Vivit Rosmayanti

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Vivit Rosmayanti

Universitas Negeri Makassar

This Research applied classroom action research which aimed to see the implementation of role-play and interactive activities to improve students speaking skill. The subject of this research were the second grade students of one of private school in Makassar. The stage of this research started from planning, action, observation, and then reflection. The result of this research qualitatively showed that the average students score in the pre cycle was 1,44, in the first cycle the average students score was 2,28, and in the second cycle the average students score was 3,95. The average score of students from pre cycle, first cycle, and second cycle is always increasing which means that there is improvement of students speaking skill. Qualitatively, the students gained experience and input related to communicative skill. Besides that, the implementation of role-play and interactive activities in the class were very interesting for students because they can practice their speaking more in interactive and fun way. In conclusion, the implementation of role-play and interactive activities can gradually improve students speaking skill.

Role-play, Interactive activities, Speaking skill

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Abraham Sunday Odumu

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Abraham Sunday odumu

Liberal Studies Department,
Federal Polytechnic,
Kaura Namoda,
Zamfara State,

The menace of armed bandits has in recent times assumed a devastating dimension and as such, a source of concern to all and sundry especially with its attendant socio-economic implications on the people. Relying on the use of secondary sources of data as well as narrative analysis in the presentation, the paper attempts an overview of the genesis of armed banditry in the area as well as their activities and mode of operation which have assumed complex dimensions in recent times vis a vis the likely effect of this phenomenon on food security in the area. A major finding of the study among others is that as a result of the rampant kidnappings, killings, cattle rustling, looting, rape and other nefarious activities of the bandits which have made several areas unsafe for habitation, whole communities have been displaced and have had to relocate to other seemingly safer locations thereby giving rise to the proliferation of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps. The paper asserts that the massive displacement of the people who are predominantly farmers will in the long run lead to decreasing farming/agricultural activities thereby hampering food production and animal husbandry and ultimately, food security. The paper recommends among others a holistic and concerted approach to routing out the bandits through developing the needed political will by the political class to address the issue, proper intelligence gathering approach, deployment of well-equipped and technologically driven security paraphernalia which will herald the resettlement of the displaced persons in their communities.

Armed Banditry; Food Security; Zamfara; Kidnapping; Cattle Rustling.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


As Sirah An Nabawiyah as A Source of Theorization of International Relations in Islamic Perspective: Between A Need and Challenge
Sidiq Ahmadi

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Sidiq Ahmadi

Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

After Al Quran, As-Sunnah is the main source in the formulation of the International Relations Theory in Islamic perspective. As-Sunnah can be found in As Sirah An Nabawiyah (The Biography of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) which record the journey of the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Various policies and practices (sunnah) of the Prophet in international relation were narrated in As Sirah An Nabawiyah. Based on the practices of international relations that occurred during the Prophets period, the classical Islamic scholars, with a legal approach, formulated an international Islamic relations theory called Siyar. Siyar contains rules that govern the relationship between an Islamic state and its external environment. In the Westphalian international system era, marked by the birth of secular nation-states, Siyar has many limitations and discrepancies. The legal approach to the Sirah Nabawiyah which is used in Siyar produces a perspective that is too rigid in understanding or explaining the reality of contemporary international relations. Therefore this article argues that As-Sirah An-Nabawiyah needs to be viewed with a more multidimensional approach. Using the perspective of constructivism in the study of International Relations, the events of international relation contained in The Sirah Nabawiyah are understood as a deliberative action that has a political idiographic, purposive, ethical, and instrumental political dimensions.

As Sirah An Nabawiyah, Siyar, International Relations in Islamic Perspective, Constructivism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Autonomous Weapon System: A New Weapon of Mass Destruction?
Sugeng Riyanto

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Sugeng Riyanto

Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The autonomous weapons system (AWS) is a weapon that no longer involves humans in its operation. It will move independently, look for his own target, identify, and execute the target. This weapon is controlled by robots equipped with artificial intelligence. This system is more advanced than drone technology (UCAV) which is still controlled by humans even from very distant range. Various parties claim that these weapons have more advantages compared to conventional weapons that are still controlled by humans. This weapon is able to eliminate mistakes that are often done by humans. The advantages are, for instance, being able to act without anxiety, avoiding emotional traits, quicker in scanning and making decision, and free from situational human psychology (e.g. stress, etc.). This paper intends to explore the possible dangers posed by this weaponry system. This weapon system has a high priority on technological sophistication. Therefore, countries with advanced technology will benefit from this development. On the contrary, countries with limited technology will be trapped in the increasingly extended lagging. This model weapon is also very likely to be produced by the private sector. Mass production carried out by the private sector will provide massive opportunities for the use of these weapons which are capable of mass destruction.

artificial intelligence, autonomous weapon system, mass production, mass destruction

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Building Motivation And Improving Learning Outcomes With Physics Books Based On Android: Education 4.0
Disa Hediansah (a*), Herman Dwi Surjono (b)

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Disa Hediansah

a) Postgraduate of Educational Technology, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281
b) Department of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, DIY 55281

This study aims to examine student responses to the 4.0 learning era that cannot be separated from interaction technology related to retrieval, collection, processing, storage, distribution and presentation of information through the use of android gadget devices so that they are considered optimal in the educational angle. This study involved 72 junior high school students 1 kawali. From the N-gain data table, the table showed average of the experimental class is 0.70 and High category, while the N-gain average of the control class is 0.26 and is in the medium category. That is, student learning outcomes after using teaching materials have experienced a very high increase compared to previous learning outcomes. Where these results suggest that an Android-based digital book can trigger an interactive and independent learning environment between students and students and teachers, because students learning enthusiasm tends to be high. So that the target of learning can be delivered thoroughly. The limitations in subsequent research may be developed.

Keywords: Digital Learning; Education 4.0; Android E-book

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Building Smart Service for An Integrated Mobility Services: Integrating LAPOR Platform
Norma Sartika Dewi (a*), Awang Darumurti M.Si (b), Eko Priyo Purnomo Ph.D (b)

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Mariska Intan Sari

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Smart service has become increasingly popular in Indonesia. Smart economy, smart governance, smart environment, smart people, smart mobility, and smart living are currently an innovations that continue to be developed in Indonesia as one step in applying technology to a broader sector. Lapor Sleman emerges as the development of smart governance. One of the things that can be seen from smart governance is the improvement of services by prioritizing the use of technology. This research used exploratory descriptive qualitative method and measured using smart governance indicator. The results of the study reveals the following: first, public participation, the utilization of Lapor Sleman has provided space for the community to share information with the government. Second, public service, responsiveness is a thing that need to be considered from the quality of the LAPOR sleman service. Third, transparent governance, technology can support transparency in a variety of ways, from making documents available online to transparency in the decision-making process. In spite of that, there are still many problems occuring in the use of lapor sleman. This paper aims to analyze the realization of smart regency in managing local government through utilizing Lapor Sleman as public service year 2018.

smart city, smart governance, lapor sleman.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Building the Attitude of Student Leadership through a Positive Psychological Perspective in Disruption Era
Idat Muqodas (a*), Noviarta Briliany (b)

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Idat Muqodas

PGPAUD, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In the era of disruption, positive psychology is very important to build student leadership attitudes. This is to prepare students as future leaders. Positive psychology shapes student leadership attitudes through more views on how to build a quality of life and wellbeing. Then through positive psychology students are prepared to have good leadership skills in order to face this disruption era with full of optimism, fostering wellbeing among people, and happiness. Wellbeing must certainly be prepared since becoming a student so that later this student becomes a leader in the future. Especially in the era of disruption, the changes that have emerged so fast but the fulfillment of wellbeing can be the key for students to keep up with the times. This study uses a quantitative research method through Positive Leadership Inventory (PLI) developed by researchers, and interviews. Approximately 120 research samples came from students who were administrators of the Student Executive Board (BEM), the PGSD and PGPAUD Student Association at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesian,Purwakarta Campus.

Positif Leadership, Positif Psychology, Wellbeing and Disrupstion Era

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Buku Islam: The Identity of Dani Muslim
Ade Yamin,Irwan Abdullah, Ahmad Nurmandi dan Hasse J

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Ade Yamin

Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta
IAIN Fatahul Muluk Papua

This study examines how a minority Muslim community has developed an identity that differs from the hegemonic version practical by the majority in Indonesia. The Dani Muslim Community in the highland of Papua affirm their Islamic identity through the label buku Islam being applied to marriage documents, but in dress, food and other daily habits their lives still same those of their non-Muslim Neighbours. In this presentation I explain this distinct identity by pointing to the recentness of Dani Conversion to Islam, the political context of conversion and recent political changes.

Buku Islam, Dani Muslims, identity, Community.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Can the Implementation of Green Human Resource Management Succeed?
Lenny C Nawangsari (a), Achmad H Sutawijaya (b)

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Lenny Christina Nawangsari

a) Magister Management, Mercu Buana University
b) Doctoral Management, Mercu Buana University

The phenomenon of global warming triggers an increase in environmental ethics awareness in an effort to save the earth and the environment from the threat of damage. One of the concepts related to efforts to save the environment is the concept of go green. Various studies have concluded that the concept of environmentally friendly innovation will have a positive impact on organizational performance. This study discusses the future direction of several functions of Green Human Resource Management. Finally, this study produced suggestions for several innovations in Human Resources that have better potential for green organizations, one of which is that companies need to make measurable policies in environmental management so that they will increase awareness and disseminate knowledge about the impact of Green Human Resource Management on sustainable development in organizations.

Green Human Resource Management, Environment Management, Sustainability Development.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Capacity Building Apparatus For Reducing Poverty
M. Husni Tamrin

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M. Husni Tamrin

Study of Program Public Administration,
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Hang Tuah University, Indonesia.
Jln Arief Rahman Hakim 150 Surabaya

This study aims to described information about the existing, reliable indicator of poverty accurate and valid in support of poverty alleviation programs in Malang district And to know the data collection mechanism or the poverty rate so that strategy and direction of activities in order to support capacity building in data collection apparatus poverty to support poverty reduction programs. This study in a qualitative with strategy study cases and uses the interview, and documentation in data collection. Based on the research done it can be concluded that, have been found some indicators of the quality based on an update as a data base an integrated way in the year 2015. While the condition existing poverty rate the data collection mechanism found two the data collection mechanism good through the poverty data (DAMIS) of Regional Development Planning Board (BAPPEDA) and Application Information System Of Social Welfare (SIKS-NG) from Social Dept. This made two sources of different data. Required the formation of a coordination team accelerate the reduction in poverty (TKP2DES) under the shade of the social department apparatus consisting of village. When SIKS-NG is more complete and helped by a government programs so, SIKS-NG may provide guidelines the data collection mechanism. It has made poverty operator data collection on the village level got trouble with the two systems (DAMIS & SIKSNG) that runs. And it will take the allocation of budget to flanking program of socialization about SIKS-NG application from social department Malang District.

Capacity Building, Apparatus, Reducing Poverty

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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